I gotta talk about the parliment first, and forgive me if this becomes a rant but im trying to figure out why i dont like it and i think this is why: Firstly lets start by saying i suppose that it is impressive looking and it is really well finished BUT from an architectural technologist point of view i think that what happened with this building was that the architect came up with his design and progressed it fairly far along and then unfortunately he died. However then i think the reverance to the architect took over and practicality was left at the door. Like no technologist or contractor looked at things like the weird supposedly curtain shaped panels on the external walls and said "hold on sec, is this practical and if its not well does it at least have a specific aesthetic intent??" which i dont think it does.
for instance, and i laughed at this, the tour guide said that there were loads of symbols and features of the building which nobody could interpret that were a "mystery" and im just thinking that this is a parliment building that stands for a nation. It should be readable and symbolise that nation easily. I dont know, there were some things i liked, the landscape features around the entrance were attractive, the lobby with the up-turned boat ceiling was really nice, there were a couple of nice hallways. The debating chambers roof has the most un-readable structure i think, i couldnt understand that at all.
To end on a positve note, i love edinburgh, i love just wandering around it, reminds me a little bit of dublin at home, but more kind of medieval and fairytale like.